Why Is There Ice on My AC in Sun, LA?

Homeowners in Sun, LA rely on their air conditioning systems to keep them cool and comfortable for much of the year. If your air conditioner is not working as well as it once did, it could be because ice has formed on the condenser unit. A buildup of ice on an AC condenser can be caused by several issues that are fairly easy to remedy with professional help.

The Refrigerant Level Is Low

Ice can form on an air conditioning system when the temperature of the refrigerant falls too low due to a leak. This causes condensation on the evaporator coil to freeze instead of dripping onto the collector pan.

The source of the leak must be found before the system can be recharged. This is a fairly straightforward job for a certified air conditioning repair technician.

The Wiring Is Faulty

Ice can also form on an air conditioning condenser when the thermostat shuts off the fan but the unit continues to run. This significantly reduces the airflow over the evaporator coil, which causes the refrigerant temperature to plummet. A loose wire or faulty connection is usually the cause of this problem.

The Evaporator Coil Is Dirty

A buildup of dirt or grime on the evaporator coil can also reduce airflow and cause ice to form. If your evaporator coil is dirty, switch the system off, replace the air filter and then wait for the ice to melt. If ice forms again when you switch the system back on, you should contact a qualified HVAC maintenance technician to diagnose and fix the problem.

Air conditioning condensers do not work as efficiently and consume more power when ice forms on their evaporator coils. If you’re having trouble with your AC, call us at Three Rivers Services, LLC for prompt HVAC services in Sun, LA.

Image provided by iStock

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