4 Hindrances to Airflow in Your Covington, LA Home
If the HVAC system in your Covington, LA house isn’t warming the air effectively, the issue might be inadequate airflow. Poor airflow can cause your system to work harder, consume more energy and drive up your power bills. If you feel that your house has inadequate airflow, it might be due to any of the following reasons.
1. Clogged or Dirty Filters
Your HVAC system has air filters that capture dust, dirt and other typical contaminants to keep them out of your home’s air supply. If the filter becomes too dirty or clogged, the restricted airflow may not push past the blocked filter. You should replace your filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions and be sure to inspect it regularly.
2. Obstructed Condenser
The condenser unit is usually positioned outside, where it could become blocked with outdoor debris and yard waste, including branches, leaves and overgrown bushes. To ensure that the airflow to the condensing unit is adequate, turn off the system and clean away any debris surrounding it, eliminating any loose refush you notice. Contracting for regular HVAC maintenance is another way to make sure there that part of your system is working appropriately.
3. Ductwork Problems
If your ductwork has fractures or leaks, air might flow out from the ductwork into your attic or basement rather than into the rooms it’s supposed to. When dirt accumulates in the ductwork, it makes it more difficult for air to pass through. Poor ductwork installation can result in too many curves in the duct, resulting in reduced airflow and greater energy expenditure.
4. Blocked Registers and Vents
Ensuring air can flow freely throughout your home is one of the simplest methods to solve airflow issues. Examine your vents and registers to check if your furniture is an obstruction. Remove any impediments and rearrange furniture to leave some space around each register or vent so that air can flow freely into the room.
Call us at Three Rivers Services, LLC to make an appointment if you need repairs to enhance your airflow. We provide high-quality HVAC services to Covington, LA residents.
Image provided by iStock
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